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Electronics and computer enthusiast, 2022 Bangkit Cloud Computing graduate with distinction, Gamaforce UGM

Hello, world!

Hi! My name is Gabriel Possenti Kheisa Drianasta from Jakarta, Indonesia

About me

Electronics and computer enthusiast, video editing hobbyist, web and cloud developer. Interested in simplifying everything with the help of cloud infrastructure and AI. Also, playing many video games.


Hello! I’m an electronics and computer enthusiast with a passion for exploring the world of technology. My interests revolve around various areas such as electronics, video editing, web and cloud development. I find joy in simplifying tasks and processes using cloud infrastructure and AI technologies. When I’m not immersed in the digital realm, you can often find me indulging in video games, which are a great source of entertainment and relaxation for me.

As an avid learner, I’ve delved into the realm of IoT and microcontrollers. I particularly enjoy creating Arduino or microcontroller-powered devices that connect to my server. Speaking of servers, I have my very own home server, repurposed from an old Intel Celeron laptop. Prior to embracing cloud computing, I utilized this server as an IoT and API gateway for my microcontrollers.

In terms of achievements, I was a finalist in the EU Digital Marathon, specifically for my efforts in combating cyberbullying as part of the Nagantaka team. Additionally, I had the privilege of being the 1st winner in the UAV team as a hardware programmer in the National Flying Robot Contest. With two years of experience in flight controller programming and computer vision, I contributed to the success of the GAMAFORCE team.

Another notable accomplishment was winning the Farmasi Innovative Academy UGM, where I developed software for This experience allowed me to showcase my skills as a software developer. Moreover, I am a 2022 Bangkit Graduate in the Cloud Computing Learning Path, achieving the distinction of being selected as part of The Best Team in the Bangkit Company Capstone Project.

I leverage my expertise as a full-stack developer and cloud engineer, tackling challenging projects and contributing to the development of robust cloud-based solutions. Previously, I served as a Cloud Computing Mentor from July 2023, where I remotely assisted mentees with capstone and product-based projects, providing guidance on cloud deployments, machine learning integration, and mobile development.

To enhance my knowledge and skills, I have obtained certifications in cloud engineering and architecting from platforms like Coursera and Dicoding. Additionally, I have achieved the Python PCAP certification to strengthen my programming skills.

I am constantly driven by curiosity and the desire to explore new frontiers in technology. With my diverse background and experiences, I strive to make meaningful contributions in the ever-evolving world of electronics, computing, and cloud technology.


Interested in electronics, programming, web development, blockchain, etc.




Doing IoT Project

Doing Calculus

Playing with Arduino

Visual Communication Design

Exploring Science

Exploring Bitcoin, blockchain, smart contracts, and decentralized apps

Skill (relative)

Gaming (FPS)

Gaming (Strategy)

C++ (General)

C++ (Arduino)

Python (Data analysis, math)

Python (Machine Learning)

Web design

Web programming client-side

Web programming server-side

Virtual Machines (IaaS model)

Kubernetes (container IaaS model)

App Engine (serverless PaaS model)

Cloud Run (serverless container model)

Function (serverless model)

Visual Communication Design, video editing, Photoshop

Educational background

Education and achievements

From elementary school

SD Sang Timur


Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta

100%, Ujian Nasional, mathematics

3rd, Lomba Kartini

SMP Sang Timur


Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta

Robotics competition (Lego NXT), BINUS University, Alam Sutera

Trained, soldering and drawing electrical ciruit, Electronics subjects

Trained, programming Lego NXT, Information technology subjects

Trained, creating local website using CMS and XAMPP, Information technology subjects

Trained, visual communication design, video editing, Information technology subjects

SMAN 78 Jakarta


Palmerah, West Jakarta

Trained, using Arduino, youth science community

Participant of @america competition Pacific Place, youth science community

Trained, visual design, Sanggar Seni Drama 78

Trained, Web design and back end, private course

Higher education institutions

Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science

Electronics and Instrumentation, Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta (3.78 / 4.00)

Experienced in C++, C, and Python (microcontroller, image processing, and Jupyter Notebook)

Experienced in Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure (VM management, App Engine, Kubernetes, MySQL and Postgres database)

Experienced in network management (routing, firewall, port management, DNS record management, load balancing, reverse proxy, VPN)

Trained, 3D printing and design using Blender, FreeCAD, and Tinkercad

Trained, circuit design using Autodesk Eagle (2 layers PCB)

Intern, Computer Vision (OpenCV), Gadjah Mada Robotics Team

In progress...

My Work

All of my work, including from @arduino_craft

Working Experience

Cloud Computing Mentor, part-time (remote)

Bangkit Academy 2023, Cloud Computing Learning Path

Leading a weekly consultation and giving tips for students about cloud computing

Mentoring company-based capstone and product-based capstone, and give advice for deployment on Cloud Computing mentees and integration for both Machine Learning and Mobile Development mentees.

Cloud Engineer and Web Developer (remote)


Maintaining cloud operations

Creating a market ticker API for daily newsletter email

Experienced in Linux, containerization development, and serverless development.

Hardware Programmer, full-time (onsite)

Gamaforce UGM

Using STM32 and Raspberry Pi as development modules for UAV

Experienced in Git, C++, and control system

Web Developer, part-time (onsite)


Creating an EWS dashboard with LEMP stack and a PaaS platform

Familiar with REST API for Telkom LoRaWAN connectivity


EU Digital Marathon finalist

European Union Ambassador to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam, Anti-cyber bullying app

National Flying Robot Competititon (KRTI)

Gamaforce UGM

Farmasi Innovative Academy

Universitas Gadjah Mada

2022 Bangkit Graduate Cloud Computing with Distinction

Bangkit Academy, and selected as the best team at Bangkit Company Capstone project.

Projects from @arduino_craft

Ambilight LED, interactive LED sync with monitor using Arduino UNO RFID authentication for Windows 10 using Arduino UNO Controlling LEDs via LINE Bot using WeMos D1 Mini Simple IR communication with Arduino UNO More...

Personal projects

Dot Matrix NTP Clock using ESP8266 Monitorisasi tekanan ruangan isolasi dengan PIC16F877A Dew Point Calculator Password generator AES encryption / decryption Meme generator collection at Automated news scrapper API - Discord bots More at

Team projects

2022 Bangkit Company Capstone - Text Summarizer Telepharm Web application, Farmasi Innovative Academy, UGM

Volunteer projects, Community Service Program (KKN)

Moa Island promotional website, Moa Earthquake Map,

IoT Projects

IoT Dashboard, using Thingsboard IoT Dashboard, based on Telkom IoT LoRaWAN

Personal projects (article coming soon)

Fingerprint Door Lock with 16x2 LCD, login counter, and NTP clock using ESP8266 Realtime ADC reading to webview plotter with Asynchronous JavaScript and XML WS2812 addressable LED decoration with multiple pattern This web page

Visual Design projects and photography

Google Maps Photography - Circuit masking animation Night Photography Momtreprenur intro, PPSMB HMEI Intro, original logo created by HMEI UGM Drone videography, more at @gabriel_kheisa
View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Gabriel Kheisa (@gabriel_kheisa)


YouTube tech videos

Instal Android di PC tanpa emulator Seberapa amankah Windows?


Jadwal kuliah Test PDF Text Styling


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